The Shadow
A Piece of Wall
Winding Corridor
Impression of Vancouver
Ocean View from the Cockpit
The Shadow
The Shadow

Medium: acrylic color, balsa wood, plywood

Size: 18 x 24 inch

This piece is an exercise in shadow play. When I stroll through the park, I see trees in various forms that create an intricate web of shadows. As a challenge, I reduced the trees to their simplest forms (lines), then I overlapped them to create an interconnected structure. When lit, this minimalistic piece creates shadows that resemble those found in the park.


Medium: Watercolor, bristol

Size: 18 x 24 inch

The theme of this Watercolor painting is the gentrification of Shanghai City, China. As the process of gentrification aggravates, more and more monotone skyscrapers are replacing profound architectures that embody traditions and cultures. This painting is created with my intention to advocate for the preservation of culture, as it is a significant element of a country’s identity.

A Piece of Wall
A Piece of Wall

Medium: acrylic color, coarse pumice gel, canvas

Size: 18 x 24 inch

This piece is my interpretation of a humble piece of wall. On my travels, I was intrigued by walls covered with moss, graffiti, marked by the passing of time. In essence, walls are unique carriers of local history. To render the texture, I mixed the acrylic paint with coarse pumice gel and created my own version of history on the surface.

Winding Corridor
Winding Corridor

Medium: acrylic color, corrugated paper

Size: 18 x 24 inch

This is an exercise to create a traditional perspective drawing with unconventional material. Perspective drawing requires interaction of lines. I decided to use the corrugated paper because lines are an inherent part of the material. The outcome is a surprisingly effective allusion to structure.

Impression of Vancouver
Impression of Vancouver

Medium: acrylic color, canvas

Size: 18 x 24 inch

This is a portrait of my city, Vancouver, best known for its diverse culture and beautiful nature. I painted in four quadrants the symbols that epitomize the city the most - The Inukshuk, Canada Place with its iconic five sails, a downhill skier, and a Squamish First Nations totem pole. Nature, as represented by the green background, is interwoven into the fabric that connects the modern urban settlers and the area’s first peoples.


Medium: Acrylic

Size: 18 x 24 inch

My painting is generally inspired by two artists: Salvador Dali and Marc Chagall.

Ocean View from the Cockpit
Ocean View from the Cockpit

Medium: Magazines, wooden shadow box, white glue

Size: 10 x 10 x 2 inch

This collage shows the pilot’s perspective from inside the cockpit of a World War II bomber. I created this piece after watching the movie “Dunkirk.” I chose to create this image with a collage. The method inherently lends itself to alluding to the choppy waters and bombing destruction underneath. Metaphorically, the pieces of collage also speak to the interrupted and broken lives of many that served in the war.